Hudson Remodeling > News > You might be wondering… Three tips for a successful home remodeling project

You might be wondering… Three tips for a successful home remodeling project

A home remodel is probably something you’ll do only once in your life. Nobody expects you to be an expert at it.

After all, that’s why you’re considering hiring a professional to do the work, right?

If this is your first time through the home remodeling process, there probably are a thousand questions swirling around in your mind about how the construction and renovation process will go.

Based on Hudson Remodeling’s prodigious experience in Bellingham and throughout Whatcom County, here some tried-and-true answers to a few important home remodeling questions.

When is the best time to conduct a Bellingham home remodeling project?

The best time of year to remodel your home depends a lot on the type of work being done. Any time of year works well for indoor remodeling and upgrade projects, but there are certain tasks that can’t be completed during the rainy season. Roof replacements and exterior painting jobs, for example, are best done under the sun. Most other projects — bathroom remodels, kitchen upgrades, deck installations and more — are great to complete all year long.

Hudson Remodeling is booking projects now for the spring, so if you have an exterior project, now’s the time to get on the list for the spring/summer dry period.

Can I live at home during the remodeling project?

David and Andrey at work.

Whether your family should continue to live in your home while it’s being renovated honestly depends on the extent of the work. If the area to be remodeled can be isolated from the rest of the home, such as a basement renovation with exterior access, then it’s OK for homeowners to remain in the house.

However, for safety reasons, contractors would prefer that people don’t walk through an active job site. If we’re talking about a whole-house remodel, it’s much better for the homeowners to move out, if at all possible, as it’s much more efficient for the contractor to have access to all rooms at once. With unfettered access to the home, the plumbers, electricians, sheetrockers, painters and carpenters can limit the number of times they need to access the home. That will help the project get done much faster, which of course means that the homeowner can enjoy the work that much sooner.

How much should I communicate with the remodeler or contractor?

Stuart at work.

Good communication is a major key to a successful home remodeling partnership. Great relationships are ones where the homeowners are willing to provide the contractor with insight into their goals and priorities for the construction project. For example, on many projects, some compromises might need to be made. In these cases, it’s important that the remodeler know what’s important to the homeowner so they provide sound remodeling advice and help the homeowner make the best choices.

Communication doesn’t always have to be with words, either. After all, a picture is worth a thousand! If you find a photo that captures your vision for the space, please feel free to share. Your home remodeling contractor will appreciate the clarity and the insight into your vision for your beautiful new home. Feel free to browse photos from past Hudson Remodeling Bellingham home renovations for inspiration.

How can I tell which home remodeling bid is the best one?

Hudson Remodeling’s lead carpenter, Dave James, weighed in on that during a recent Q&A. Check out his answer here.